What is Black Magic?

Black Magic

As-salamu alaykum dear readers- a warm welcome to all. In this blog, we’ll talk about the Black magic. It is a hazardous practice of using supernatural evil powers. Black magic can be done for personal gain, control, or harm. It is used to manipulate others to harm. In Islam or in every religion, this type of practice is strictly prohibited. Allah never wants their child to suffer from something like black magic. Therefore, dua can help you to protect yourself from such things. Some believe that the black magic is used for evil practices. Consequently, Some people are afraid of it, while others are curious about its mystery.

Black magic is a real practice done by someone who has jealousy or envy with someone. Meanwhile, this practice is done to harm another person by any means. Maulana Mosin Khan, our great scholar is here if someone is faced with difficulties in their lives. He guides the people with his guidance and Allah’s blessings. You can seek help from Deeninuskhe.com if you are facing difficulties in your life. 

The Power of Dua For Black Magic

Black magic is very powerful and yet harmful too. People believe that it can be a negative spirit or energy to achieve one’s objectives, which can affect someone physically or mentally. It brings bad luck, and negativity into someone’s life. It can have various effects on our life such as difficulty in achieving success, Unknown diseases or health problems, feeling mentally unstable, etc.

To remove the negative energy from you of black magic, use dua to seek guidance from Allah and ask for his guidance. Praying dua regularly can protect you from evil energy. People should believe that trusting and having faith in Allah can protect them from negative influence. Dua is like a protection against all problems and negative energies. It removes fear and brings peace through consistent dua and trust in Allah. 

Dua for black magic includes seeking guidance from Allah and helping you out with the difficulties you are facing including the evil energy. It helps you to ask for Allah’s divine protection over you and your loved ones. 

You can protect yourself from black magic by considering the following methods:

  • Faith and trust in Allah- Having trust in Allah can protect you from evil spirits or any harm.
  • Recite protective prayers- Reciting regular Duas can help you to stay connected with Allah and guide you. Dua can help you as a protective shield against any negativity.
  • Avoid negative people- Stay away from the people you feel negative and uncomfortable with. Similarly with those who practice or believe in black magic.

In the end, nothing can harm you if you have faith, positivity, and a strong belief in Allah, that he can help you to protect against black magic.

Dua For Black Magic Protection

Urdu dua for protection from black magic is:

“أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ”


“A’udhu bi kalimatillahit-tammati min sharri ma khalaq.”

Translation in English

“I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created.”

To protect you from evil spirits this dua can help you. Reciting the dua regularly with sincerity and faith, in any language in which you are comfortable can help you from the black magic. Dua can be recited for yourself and for your loved ones. After reciting the dua you can blow on your hands and wipe it over the affected person for the removal of evil.

Reasons Behind Black Magic 

Black magic is a form of negative energy, consequently, it is done by one person on another person. It can be done if

 someone is helpless, jealous, or desperate. Some people use this to harm others whereas some believe it to bring love and success from this. In addition, the following are some reasons, why people do black magic:

  1. Jealousy & Envy: Sometimes people do dark magic by getting jealous of their success and happy life. Instead of working on themselves, they choose the path to do Black magic to down the other person. 
  2. Revenge & Hatred: Some people hold grudges, they don’t want to move on. This type of person wants to take revenge on people who have done wrong to them from the dark magic.
  3. Controlling others: Some people want to control others in every aspect like feelings, actions, and thoughts. Whether it’s love or harm they think that black magic gave them the power to control the people.
  4. Love spells: Some people can’t take rejection from someone when they fail to win someone over. People use black magic to make someone fall in love with them however genuine love can’t be forced, this may result in more difficulties.
  5. Wanting money or success: People choose shortcuts instead of working for wealth, success, or even career growth. They believe in dark magic for their work.
  6. Blocking someone’s success: People feel disappointed or jealous of another person’s success. As a result, to make their life difficult and slow them down, they try dark magic.
  7. Losing faith & patience: Sometimes people lose hope in prayer, efforts, or waiting for the right time. They think dark magic is their last option therefore try it.
Wrap It Up

Black magic is another practice of evil practices however it has a negative energy on someone. It can be done by someone in jealousy, success, revenge, or to control someone to harm them. There are many reasons to do this practice, for the protection from all the harm Islam has duas for the protection for you and help you to stay connected with Allah. 

The best way to stay protected is praying, by reciting dua and believing in Allah’s protection no evil spirit can harm you. Stay positive, keep trusting Allah’s process, and do not let fear control you.

There are many duas for different purposes like protection, happy life, success, etc. All these can be achieved if someone recites the dua sincerely and keeps faith. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How can we know that someone does black magic on us?

Ans. There are some signs to know if someone has done dark magic on you

Those signs are:

  • Suddenly you feel sick, tired, and weak all the time.
  • You faced Misunderstandings, fights, and problems in your relationship.
  • Struggling to focus on faith and losing interest in prayers.
  • Unusual things happen like seeing shadows, hearing noises, and feeling uneasy.

Q.2 Does black magic exist?

Ans. Yes, dark magic exists and is a practice to harm others. Some people believe in it while others think it is just a superstition. If there are good things, then there will be bad ones also exist in the world.


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