Powerful & Effective Nazar Ki Dua

Nazar Ki Dua

A warm welcome to our readers at Deeninuskhe.com. This blog represents Islamic dua to protect you from evil spirits. The concept of nazar ki dua refers to seeking Allah’s help through Dua to protect you from nazar. It is important to remove nazar from your lives because it can cause trouble whether it is unintentionally or intentionally. It can lead you to health issues, stress, or other difficulties in life.  Our great Maulana Mosin khan helped many people who faced difficulties in their lives with his guidance and Allah’s blessings. 

Nazar is the bad energy or we can say evil eye, that comes to you from the evil glaze. It is the thing that transfers bad luck in life, negative and misfortune. And also it comes from a person unintentionally and has the power to harm you. It can affect your health, body, and well-being, and also affect your wealth. So, to prevent all these you can perform dua to protect yourself or someone else.

You can pray for dua to remove the negative energy with the help of dua. The dua can protect you from evil eyes and remove negative energy from anywhere. A nazar ki dua acts like a safeguard of a person as a protective shield from the effect of the evil eye, that keeps away bad vibes, negative energy, and jealousy, and brings positivity and peace. 

Let’s Understand The Meaning of Nazar

Nazar means evil eye, which comes from someone’s jealousy or envy. It brings bad luck and harm to others. The effect of nazar is not good and it is advised Muslims to protect themselves from it, is by seeking Allah’s help. It can occur unintentionally or intentionally when someone looks at another person with grudges. As a consequence, it may lead to harm and difficulties in someone’s life. Muslims recite the specific protective duas regularly to guard them from the effects of Nazar and their loved ones. 

Nazar is a negative energy or a bad vibe by other people. Negative thoughts or feelings can unintentionally cause bad luck and misfortune, even if the person giving the evil eye may not mean any harm. In Islam, dua and supplication encourage people to seek protection from such harm.  The Nazar can affect anyone including all age groups and even possessions like your home and wealth. Dua is very crucial to seek Allah’s protection and guidance, dua is the best defence against these harmful influences.

Symptoms of Nazar

It is believed very bad and scary to get in negative energy, whether it is Islamic culture or any other religion. If someone looks at you and you are not feeling good about that gaze. This is the effect of the evil eye as it makes you internally uncomfortable. This can be very dangerous if someone gets Nazar, the following are explained symptoms of the person who is affected by Nazar:

  1. Someone will suddenly start experiencing some kind of sickness or health issues.
  2. You can face many mishappening with you like having misfortune that causes issues like loss in business, accidents, relationship problems, and many more.
  3. Can face mood swings that can be unexplainable, And can be mental breakdowns. 
  4. Increase mental health issues like, trauma, stress, fear, and others.
  5. Some people can also find it difficult to do any tasks and make decisions.
  6. You feel unusual things around you, a decrease in luck.
  7. Regular sadness in your emotions can also be a symptom of the evil eye.

Dua for nazar

Nazar ki dua is a very crucial part of Islam. As it helps us to protect us from the negative energy. To solve any evil eye-related problems, pray dua for Allah’s help and his mediation. If you have faith in Allah and believe that he is protecting you, then recite the following dua with trust in Him and follow the right path.

بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ قُلْ اَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِۙۙ۔ مٰلِكِ النَّاسِۙۙ۔ اِلٰہِ النَّاسِۙۙ۔ مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِۙۙ۔ الَّذِیْ یُوَسْوِسُ فِیْ صُدُوْرِ النَّاسِۙۙ۔ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِۙۙ۔

Transliteration: Bismillah hir-Rahman ir-Rahim, Qul a’udhu birabbinnas, Malikinnas, Ilahinnas, Min sharril-waswasil-khannas, Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoorinnas, Minal-jinnati wannas.

English translation: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the Sovereign of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, who whispers in the breasts of mankind, among the jinn and the people.”

By performing this dua consistently you can see the difference on your own. Only if dua can be done with sincerity, trust, and faith in Allah. 

Steps to Perform Dua to Remove Nazar

  • Firstly, perform ablution which means to clean yourself before performing the spiritual practice.
  • Find a quiet place to recite the dua for protection from the harm of an evil eye.
  • Recite the above dua at least three times a day, and focus on your dua with a concentration on Allah’s trust and his process. 
  • Do pray to Allah regularly to seek his guidance and blessings. To remove the evil eye, nazar ki dua can help you by reciting dua consistently.
  • You can end your dua with the safety prayer for yourself and your loved ones. Show your loyalty towards Allah and ask him for his mercy and guidance.

If you follow all the rules and recite the dua according to Islamic guidelines and culture, Allah will keep you away from the evil eye and keep you safe.


This blog ‘Nazar ki Dua’ represents, what is nazar and how can we protect ourselves from this negative energy. The best solution for every problem and anything is the almighty god. Allah has given us duas to recite for everything and connect with him. If you are facing a problem and dealing with negative energy then you can seek help from Allah through Dua. Dua can help you fight against any harm and bring peace. Keep faith in Allah’s guidance and his timing. He always has some plans for people and keeps you safe from all forms of Nazar. 

By reciting dua consistently and faith in Allah, you can be protected from the evil eye. However, with the proper Islamic duas and regular recitation of nazar ki Dua, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. 

Frequently asked question 

Q.1 Should I have believed in the evil eye?

Ans. Believing in the evil eye is an individual’s choice but the existence of nazar is true. And the effect of the evil eye is not good. 

Q.2 In Islam, what is the best time to recite the dua for evil eye?

Ans. The best time to recite this type of Dua is early morning and in the evening. Recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas three times over yourself. Regular recitation of dua can be very crucial to keep us protected under Allah’s guidance.  


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