We often do not believe in things like black magic and so for that, we ignore our surroundings and become careless with this fast. But sometimes there are some experiences in our life when we feel the negative energy or see the effects of black magic on someone. In this life, black magic become a common practice which includes lemon, red colour things, an earthen pot or a lot more. Also to protect ourselves from this trouble we need the best dua for black magic.
Black magic is something most fearable thing for those who believe in spirituality and have faced situations of black magic. A lot of people practice this due to hate, jealousy and revenge. Black Magic harms people physically and mentally. In Islam or other religions black magic is strictly prohibit.
So because it is haram Deeninuskhe get the dua for black magic. This dua will protect those who have been controlled with black magic. Also, you can use this dua for your loved one who is been affected by these problems. Our Maulana Mosin Khan has expertise in the field of solving black magic problems and protecting against black magic.
Explaining Black Magic
So what is the true meaning of black magic or in real time what black magic stands for? Black Magic refers to the various activities which are done by using supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes. Taking the help of negative energy and controlling others is believed to be bad. It can be done in various ways which include spells, some supplications, rituals and more.
It can be done by using a person’s clothes, hair and photo. Also, those who know black magic can perform this by looking directly into someone’s eyes. The practitioners and experts of black magic believe that black magic is done to harm someone or with bad motives and impure intentions. If you ever feel something like this you must seek help from experts and get rid of this as soon as possible.
Black Magic in Islam
- In Islam Black Magic is treated as one of the prohibited activities because Islam does not promote those who harm others who are created by Allah.
- The black magic practice is clearly stated as haram in the holy scripture of the Quran.
- The balck magic activities also involve malevolent spirits, performing rituals to achieve their desires, using the power of jinn, exorcism, dowsing and sorcery are condemned to be disobedient to Allah.
- If you follow Islam or any other religion, it does not give you freedom to control any other human being or use them for your own wishes,
- You can take the help of dua for black magic which is the most helpful and effective on black magic.
Powerful Islamic Black Magic Dua
قُلْ أَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقْ وَ مِنْ شَرِ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَتْ
وَ مِنْ شَرِ النَّفْثَتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ وَ مِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدٌ۔
Transliteration: “Qul a’oozu bi rabbil-falaq Min sharri maa khalaq Wa min sharri ghaasiqin izaa waqab Wa min sharrin- naffaa-saati fil ‘uqad Wa min sharri haasidin izaa hasad” (1:1-5) Meaning: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn From the mischief of created things; From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who practice secret arts.”
Steps to Perform Black Magic Dua
- Must start the process of dua with salawat on the prophets saw ( Allahummasalli..).
- Now use the beautiful name of Allah to call him and ask for help in difficult times.
- Raise your hand in the praise of Allah that he deserves.
- Sit in the direction by facing the qiblah.
- For making to dua raise your hands in the direction in which you are making the dua for black magic.
- Have faith in Allah and his practices that he will listen to you and your dua will get accepted by him soon.
You must not worry about black magic because Allah has sent us with dua for black magic to help you in your times of difficulty. With the help of the Islamic community of deeninuskhe and the great scholar Mosin Khan, you will be protected from any kind of harm. His expertise and his experience give him an edge in protecting and helping people. If you are struggling with any kind of problem that is affecting you and your loved ones. Then don’t spend time thinking seek our help by contacting us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 Does Islam help in protection from Black Magic?
Ans. Yes, with the help of some supplications and duas, you can get protection from black magic in the Quran. The duas are given in the Quran and we present them to you for easy understanding.
Q.2 Which surah talks about black magic?
Ans. Surah Al-Falaq (Surah 113) is the most powerful surah which is used as a prayer to Allah to ward off black magic. According to hadith, it was used to protect Muhammad against Jann, ancestors of the Jinn.
Q.3 How do you know if Jinn is in your house?
Ans. The power of the jinn and its entity is created with shameless fire and it interferes with electric appliances. It may cause light flickering and unexplained electricity outages. You will feel a strange sensation within your surroundings and small stones thrown inside your house.