Five Islamic Dua for Marriage

Dua for Marriage

Marriage is an important aspect of life, fulfilling half of the Muslim faith. In Islam, it is a sacred relationship that bonds two people to live together happily. Marriage aims to establish a strong and supportive family with love, compassion, and mutual respect. However, a dua for marriage is a supplication for seeking Allah’s blessings, guidance, and mercy in this relationship. Through these duas, people ask for His support to build a strong and righteous marital relationship. There are many different dua for marriage available on that will help you live a happy married life. 

People marry the person they love or their family chooses for them. However, it is not just a social contract but an act of worship in Islamic traditions. So, they agree on mutual terms to enter into this contract of marriage by their choice. Hence, they read various duas for a healthy relationship and the safety of their partners. Reading this dua is a comprehensive practice that requires reliance and trust in Allah. It ultimately fosters love, understanding, and forgiveness in marriage. Therefore, making dua under the guidance of our spiritual expert Mulana Mosin Khan will shape your relationship. 

Need For Dua In Marriage

  • Seek Blessings:- Duas are the routes to supplicate blessings from Allah. This can be in any form or for anyone. However, newly married couples read dua together to seek the grace of Allah in their relationship. 
  • Remove Obstacles:- These spiritual practices help during challenges in a relationship. It eliminates obstacles that may be causing delays in your marriage.  Hence, with the help of dua, you can ask Allah for His mercy upon you and your partner. 
  • Strengthening Faith and Patience:- Waiting for the right spouse needs patience and belief in Allah’s doings. However, prayers encourage the believers to strengthen their bonds with the almighty and trust His wisdom and timings. 
  • Fulfill Religious Duty:- In Islam, marriage is a religious duty that needs to be fulfilled with honesty. Religious believers read dua for marriage to protect themselves from temptations. This helps them to foster a family with faith and righteousness. 
  • Guidance and Protection:- Marriage is a new relationship for both spouses which means they need guidance. Therefore, they read dua to ask Allah to make the right decision and ensure their mutual compatibility. 

5 Halal Islamic Dua For Marriage

Dua’s are made to secure a marriage from challenges. It strengthens the bond of husband and wife by developing a sense of mutual respect and forgiveness. However, the following are various duas for marriage you can read to have a healthy relationship with your spouse. 

Dua For Righteous Spouse

This dua for the righteous spouse is made to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance. It helps in finding the right person for you to marry. Through such prayers, people ask the almighty to guide them on the way to finding their soulmate who is made for them. However, they request Allah to have mercy upon them. 

“rabi ‘iiniy lima ‘anzalt ‘iilaya min khayr faqirun”

“My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.”

“wamin ayatih ‘an khalaq lakum min ‘anfusikum ‘azwajan litaskunuu ‘iilayha wajaeal baynakum mmawaddatan warahmatan ۚ ‘inn fi dhalik layat liqawm yatafakkaruna”

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

Dua For Love Marriage

These supplications help in removing obstacles to a love marriage. It seeks Allah’s blessing for a successful love marriage. However, people read such duas to ask Allah for His support in seeking agreement from their parents if the person is right for them. 


“Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things.”

Tahajjud Dua For Marriage

This dua is read after the night prayers, this is the time when supplications are most likely to be heard. Read such duas with sincere and genuine intentions to supplicate His mercy for a successful marriage. 

“Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata ‘ayunin waj’alna lil-muttaqina imama.”

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” 

“allahuma ‘iiniy ‘as’aluk birahmatik alati wasaeat kula shay’in, ‘an tuafiqani lilzawaj biman ‘ahbabth wayardahi”

“O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy which encompasses all things, to grant me success in marrying the one I love and who is pleasing to You.”

Istikhara For Marriage

The Istikhara prayer is a dua seeking Allah’s guidance when deciding on choosing a spouse. It is a way of relying on Allah’s wisdom to guide a person toward what is best for their life and avoid confusion. 

“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmika wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa as’aluka min fadlika al-azeem.”

“O Allah, I seek Your guidance through Your knowledge, and I seek ability through Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty.”

Dua For Ease In Marriage

This dua is a request for Allah to remove any obstacles or delays in the marriage process. It is particularly beneficial when a person faces challenges, such as family or financial issues, in their marriage journey. 

“Allahumma ya muyyasir kulli ‘aseer wa ya musahhil kulli sa’ab, yassir li amri.”

“O Allah, the One who makes difficult matters easy and facilitates all that is tough, make my affairs easy for me.”


In Islam, the dua for marriage serves as a reminder to trust in Allah’s wisdom. These prayers ask for His guidance, love, and mercy in this sacred relationship. Whether you are seeking a spouse, or nurturing your relationship, turning to Allah with sincere duas can strengthen the foundation of your marriage. However, believers can seek a union that is not only fulfilling in this life but also leads to spiritual growth and peace. Remember, patience and faith in Allah’s timing are key to a blessed marital journey.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

1. In what ways does dua strengthen a marriage?

By bringing Allah’s blessings into a marriage, dua fosters tolerance, love, and understanding between partners. Additionally, it is a spiritual practice that fosters empathy and respect for one another and strengthens a marriage.

2. Does making dua together benefit both spouses?

Indeed, the relationship and commitment between spouses become stronger when they offer prayers together. It’s a lovely approach to ask Allah for wisdom and blessings for their marriage and life together.

3. Should someone still make dua if they aren’t sure they want to be married or not?

Yes, it is strongly advised to do a dua for clarity and guidance, even if one is unsure. Because it helps one make the right choice based on Allah’s knowledge, the Istikhara prayer can be very beneficial.



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